The Battle of the Five Armies in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit

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The Battle of the Five Armies in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit

Many great works of literature contain violent scene that contribute more to the story than merely an exciting battle to amuse the reader. J.R.R. Tolkien includes several violent scenes throughout his classic work, “The Hobbit”. The most important of these is “The Battle of the Five Armies,” which takes place at the end of the novel. This destructive scene has many purposes in the story, several of which are that it causes the uniting of the quarreling armies, allows for a final confrontation between good and evil, and draws a suitable conclusion to the hobbit’s tale.

The violent scene at the end of “The Hobbit” took place immediately before war was to break out between the dwarves and the men of Laketown. Thorin, the rightful “king under the mountain”, did not wish to part with any of his gold, not even in order to reward the men who had greatly assisted in the recovery of it. Along with the aide of his cousin, Dain, Thorin decided to fight off the men and their alliance, the wood-elves. Before the battle ...

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