The Awakening What Does Edna Sacrifice Her Life

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In the book the Awakening, the protagonist Edna Pontellier sacrificed her life for her own happiness. At first, Edna let others manage her life. Her husband, Leonce would constantly command her to do things she wouldn’t want to do. Not having enough self confidence to stand up for herself, Edna did what she was told. Starting to stick up for herself, Edna realized that her only escape from a life she no longer wanted to live was her own death. Edna valued her own contentment and originality over the path others wanted her to pursue, consequently she sacrificed her own life, which connects to the overarching theme of the novel. When Edna sacrifices her own life I believe that it was an act of triumph and that it was her way of finally being free. In the beginning of the book, Edna lets her husband push her around and her own originality is not able to shine through. However, one night things changed. Leonce was going in the house to go to bed and he invites Edna to join him. To his confusion, she says no. This may be the first time Edna stood up for herself and did something she …show more content…

When she was making her way farther and deeper in the water, minutes away from committing suicide, she did not pause to consider how her husband and children would suffer from her no longer existing in their life. Rather Edna was recalling how she was never able to be who she really was or who she wanted to be. She desired to be a painter, it was something that she valued, but because of her family, she was not able to carry out her dreams. The only time Edna had a taste of what true happiness felt like was when she was with Robert, not her actual family. As a result, she sacrificed her life. She might as well be dead, not living a false life, if she could not be with Robert and live life as an artist. When Edna killed herself it was a release from her failure as an artist and as a

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