The Assassin

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The Assassin - Original Writing The sun was getting lower in the sky the street was at that time when it wasn't day time but not yet night. It was a bitterly cold January evening. He noticed as he checked his watch that he had been waiting for about and hour. The lonely street was silent except for a dog howling in the distance. Still he waited at the edge of the fierce wood. An icy wind was starting to pick up, the trees swayed around him. The harsh breeze stung the side of his face. Dark storm clouds gathered in the sky covering the moon. There were few stars visible. The street had now become pitch black the only source of light coming from street lights the one in front of the house he had been …show more content…

The garden had no flowers or trees just an un-kept lawn not rich and green like all the other houses. It was a vast old house and looked out of place in the well kept street. Suddenly a car came speeding round the corner and brought his mind back onto the job. He ducked behind a tree but it wasn't who he thought it was and the car passed. The heavens opened and rain stared to fall heavily onto the ground. He heard the moaning of another engine drawing closer. This one was moving a lot slower. He could see the rain passing in front of the head lights. The car turned into the driveway he had been watching. The victim was now in sight. He could hear the car door open and then close again. His heart stared to race. He didn't know if it was with excitement or fear. The woman from the car picked up her brown paper shopping bag. She had her hood up but he knew it was her by the way she strutted up to the front door. He watched her very closely as she unlocked the front door pushed it open and walked in. Now she was out of sight he pulled his big coat up around him and crossed the street. He walked up the path and knocked on the …show more content…

She smiled and step back, offering him in. The hall way was very plain and small, especially for such a big house. The walls were off white, the same as the carpet. Next to the front door was a small table with a phone on it and post it notes all around the surrounding wall. He followed her into the sitting room. This room was large but all very plain with little furniture. She sat down next to a large drinks cabernet and he sat down opposite. She started to chat about her plans for her anniversary. How can she be so stupid not to realise everybody know about her affairs. She's a very attractive woman she could have any man she wanted. Tall and shapely in all the right places, blond curly shoulder length hair. However it was common knowledge that she 'liked to enjoy herself'. Sam constantly got put down for putting up with it but she always managed to win him round. While she tried to convince him of her marital bliss he desperately tried to concentrate on something else. All he could think about what he was about to do as he listened to her talk about her plans.

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