The Aspects Of Nonverbal Communication In The Movie 'Crash'

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America has proven to be a very diverse and mixed culture. Our society is compiled with various ethnicities, religions, moral standards, and so much more. With all that combined there is bound to be racial clashing, religion bashing, and abstention. The movie “Crash” depicts how cultural identity affects Americans everyday by stereotyping, nonverbal communication, and avoidance. An inevitable reality that Americans face all too often, or even just human culture in general, is stereotyping. As human beings we observe one another and frequently come to a conclusion about an individual solely based on these observations. We don’t take the time to get to know each other or hear their intellectual views before we have already made a judgement based on appearance, grammatical skills, race, or even the religion they identify with. Throughout the movie “Crash” I identified many instances of whole groups of people being generalized, therefore stereotyped. One scene in the movie showed …show more content…

It could be in the form of a handshake, body language, or silence. You may not always notice these things, but they are great indicators of a person’s true feelings in any particular situation. The character in the movie “Crash” played by Sandra Bullock shows an excellent representation of how nonverbal communication is displayed in American society today. In the scene, Bullock is shown walking down the street with her husband on the way to their vehicle. The two black men previously mentioned are shown exiting the diner and walking toward Bullock and her husband. As Bullock notices the men approaching she exhibits nonverbal communication by moving closer to her husband and interlocking arms with him. In turn, giving off vibes that she is fearful or uncomfortable with the approaching men based on their appearance. These types of actions can be distasteful and offensive even though that may not have been your

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