Examples Of Discrimination In The Movie Crash

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In the world, there are vast amounts of hate crimes, racism, and discrimination between all ethnicities and throughout the movie “Crash”, there are countless examples carried out between the characters. It makes the viewer rethink what they believe they know about the world they live in. As ‘Merriam-Webster Dictionary would define it as, “a stereotype is to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same”. It is an opinion, conception, or image we hold about a race, or group of people. Discrimination is most commonly defined as the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from one another. And to be prejudice is to hold preconceived judgements, biased suspicion, or hatred of a particular race or ethnic group. Each of these play a role in the assumptions people make about one another and the stereotypes portrayed throughout the film. Crash deals with America, specifically …show more content…

(brown-face.com) Dating back all the way to the frontier era, Hispanic Americans have been victims of racial discrimination due to the constant images portrayed about them that began with the battle over Mexican land in the Southwest. As the Hispanics settled in and time went on, Hispanic gangs began forming in California during the early 1920’s. It began with the desire for unity as they banded together, socializing within their very own neighborhoods where they all shared the same language, customs, and culture. They began with hardly any leadership or formal structure, but maintained a strong defense of their territorial boundaries. Eventually the gangs developed some organization and structure, along with harsher acts of violence and it became a way of life for them. (Hoover) Though these gangs maintain their image of tough, violent members of society, many still hold tight to their beliefs of strong family morals and religious back

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