The Argument For The Immortalityality Of The Soul

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Personally, the least convincing argument for the immortality of the soul was the argument for opposites. The argument says that life and death are opposites which become a cycle of each other so that the dead returns to living and the living eventually returns to death and so on. Which leads to the immortality of the soul due to the fact that it is never fully extinguished from existence but is always ready for the next process to take place.
Let us examine whether those that have an opposite must necessarily come to be from their opposite and from nowhere else, as for example, when something comes to be larger it must necessarily become larger from having been smaller before (70e). Socrates tries to point out that some things can possibly have more than one opposite that fits the part, for example short to tall they are only short or tall in relation to each other. Once the short is placed next to something else short, it becomes hard to say it is an opposite of tall if the short becomes the tall. In this way, it leads me to question if death is the …show more content…

So, the soul’s immortality isn’t being questioned anymore but the process of the opposites taking place is. If they are opposites then there is a process with which they work together and come to be from each other. So where is the soul when the living is born and where do the souls go once the body is dead. There are too many unknowns in my opinion to show how they are true opposites.
Even if living came from some other source, and all that lived died, how could all things avoid being absorbed in death? (72d). All things are not absorbed in death become even if some souls do cease to exist there are many more souls available to be and we see other people living

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