The Argument Against Jesse Owens In The Film Race

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The movie Race was about the Olympic athlete, Jesse Owens. His family was poor and he wanted to get married to his girlfriend. His girlfriend and he had a daughter, so he was determined to make a good life for them. Part of this plan included him going to The Ohio State University to do track and field. He was amazing and broke three records and tied a fourth while at the Big Ten Championship. He faced a lot of obstacles because he was African American and there was still a lot of discrimination against him. He qualified to go to the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, but he was unsure if he should go. It was during this time that Hitler was in power and people looked to Jesse as an example. People argued whether he should or should not go, in the end he decided he should go. …show more content…

The United States was even unsure if they should compete because of what was going on in Germany. When Jesse was at the Olympics he won all of the events he was in, which was a total of three, earning himself three gold medals. Hitler believed that the games would be able to prove to the world that Aryan people were the dominant race, Jesse had other plans. Hitler left the games early because he refused to be caught shaking hands with an African American. Two of the four athletes in the 4x400 teams were Jews and found out once they were in Germany that they would not be allowed to compete because they were Jews. They voted Jesse to take their place and that is how he won his fourth gold medal at the Olympics. At the very end, they were holding a dinner in honor of Jesse after he came back from the Olympics and he, his wife, and his white coach went to enter the building and a guard told them that Jesse and his wife, Ruth, would have to go in the side door because they were African American. The coach was so mad that the person had treated Jesse and his wife like this because the dinner was in honor of

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