The American Dream Declaration Of Independence

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The American Dream is a dream known around the world. To prove this, it helps to know the definition of an American Dream. The American Dream is people coming to America to accomplish their life goal no matter their color, wealth, or their past. Seeing awful things on the news from a day to day basis people often question if the so called American Dream is still available. America is still a place where the American Dream is available to anyone because people are still treated equal, they are free, and jobs are still being occupied. One of America’s key values is treating each individual as equal; it is a reason why the founding fathers wanted independence from Britain in the first place. Being equal means that if a person wants to become president or a doctor or even a pizza maker, their color, religion, or even their past will not lessen the chance of them becoming that. The historical document famously known as the Declaration of Independence was a letter written to Britain explaining why America wanted to gain independence from them. In the second paragraph, it states “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created …show more content…

The poetry who burns for the Perfection of paper by Martin Espada he says “At sixteen, I worked after high school hours at a printing plant that manufactured legal pads…” when people get jobs, they earn money when people earn money they earn their wants. Therefore, without a job can people cannot have the successful enjoyable life style they strive for coming to America. Having a job is the only way to earn money. So without money America con not produce a wealthy family. Some may say that you can live the American Dream without having a job but if you did not have a job then how will people buy a house to live in our buy an education for their kid. A job is a very important part of the American Dream it allows American to have what they

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