The American Dream Essay

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So what do you think of the American dream, having luxury cars, being a millionaire, having the perfect job. Yes the American dream could be also this but it can be expressed as a belief or I thought. For instance martin Luther king had a belief of having people be treated the same no matter what their color was or what they looked like. The American Dream originated in the early days of the American settlement, with the mostly poor immigrants searching for opportunities. It was first manifested in the Declaration of Independence, which describes an attitude of hope. The Declaration of Independence states that “all man are created equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”. …show more content…

The American dream started with settlers that wanted independence and the American dream made they people have hope and be able to do what they wanted. The American dream was meant to be a belief that people could do what they wanted to on their own and not have to be told to not be something. They felt they would be an equal and not feel treated wrong. The American Dream in the '60's was peace, freedom, and equality. America was going through major changes in the 1960's. They were involved the Vietnam War, which sparked many famous anti- war protests. Many Americans were also fighting for equal rights, especially African Americans and women. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech when he marched for African Americans' freedom and women fought for equal rights as they began to enter the

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