The America I Believe In Essay

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Kiera Sandlin “ The America I Believe In” Ronald Reagan once said,” America is too great for small dreams.” Because of our veterans, it is possible for dreams to come true. It is because of the veterans that we have the power to live life how we want it. Women can vote and we can build our dream houses because we are eligible to get good paying jobs to support our families and live life happily. I believe that us Americans, can do anything. Most of all, we have freedom. We can say what we want to say and do what we want to do. We are free. Over many years people have put in hard work and because of that we have the much wanted results. We have everything we need to survive. Anything is possible, some people just don’t comprehend that you need to put work into life to get what you want out of life. I am very thankful for the America we have today. Yes, it has it’s flaws but no one nor anything are far from perfect. We have yet to accomplish so much. Because of the sacrifices …show more content…

They have touched so many lives of people that live in the U.S. There have been many soldiers scared for life by their experiences in war. It really changes people whether it’s for the better or worse. My grandpa had a tragic war experience. He was the only one to come back in his troup. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like. Obviously any typical inexperienced person would just see a battle field with canyons, guns, and soldiers. I personally don’t think that anyone could really know what war is like unless they have personally experienced it and witnessed it. I realize that war is very nerve racking. Even for the family of the soldier. It is so frightening and heart dropping not knowing when or if your loved one will come back from where they are. The soldiers believed in America and proved it. I think us Americans can now show our appreciation and do the

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