My Parents Bedroom Sparknotes

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My Glimpse of War When it comes to war, those who have been there to experience everything are the only ones that truly know what it is really like. They are the true fighters that have gone through the worse and they are the only ones that truly know what happened. The emotion that they portray when talking about what exactly went on during the war, is something that only they can feel. It is the emotions they have gained, own and will possess for the rest of their lives. Something that no one can take away from them. Apart from the emotions war leaves, it also leaves scars that cannot be forgotten and one will carry for the rest of his or her life. In the story, “My Parents’ Bedroom,” author Uwem Akpan talks about a nine year old African …show more content…

When Monique opens the door for the mob, she did not realize what was actually happening. The last thing she would have imagined was for the townspeople and her uncle coming in to raid her home. She was scared when she saw that “others are now searching [her] home,” and when she was “[pulled] out by [her] ankles. [Pressed] down on the floor… [pushed] up [her] nightie with the right and tears [her] underpants” (Akpan 50). For a nine year old girl having to witness people breaking into her house, searching through her things and almost getting raped, is irrational. She is without a doubt afraid because of what she had said could have caused more problems that could put not only her life in danger but also any member of her family. Having such disturbing memories constantly haunting at that age is unbelievable. Like so, in “The Man I Killed,” Tim’s way of writing shows the mental pain he went through. Tim mentions, “His life was now a constellation of possibilities. So, yes, maybe a scholar. And for years, despite his family’s poverty, the man I killed would have been determined to continue his education in mathematics” (O’Brien 78). Tim is so upset with himself for killing this man that he is starting to develop a life for him as if he were still alive. He is starting to think of what could have been, and in a way it is traumatizing him. He cannot accept the fact that he is dead. He wants him to be alive. His tone is as if he has not gotten over the incident and as if he cannot move on from it. The despair that has taken over his life is also not letting him move on with his

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