"The Addicted Brain" by Eric J. Nestler and Robert C. Malenka

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The Addicted Brain

For a person who has never used drugs, it is hard for them to understand why someone would want to use drugs in the first place. A person who has used some type of drug will tell you that the high that you get while you are drugged is one of the best feelings in the world to them. For that moment that they are drugged, nothing else matters. They have no problems, no worries, and no responsibilities. It's only after the high wears off that reality comes and hits them hard.

Of course the more they use the drugs, the more they become dependant of it and the more they need in order to reach that same feeling. Once they try and stop, it's normally too late. Not only does it mentally harm them but it harms them physically as well. The drug takes over the person's life. Priorities such as loved ones, friends and family then become second to the drug.

Constant use of a drug will ultimately lead to an addiction. A person will begin to have stronger cravings and will stop at nothing to get more. They will do whatever is necessarily even for the smalles...

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