Thanksgiving: The Differences Of Thanksgiving

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The Differences of Thanksgiving

Who doesn’t just adore Thanksgiving? With all of the delicious food prepared for one large, immaculate meal. Well I guess it can easily get overshadowed considering it is between the holidays of Halloween and Christmas. Even at that there is great array on how it is celebrated. Traditions vary from family to family. Some take this holiday very seriously and go all out, others simply don’t.

Simply hearing Thanksgiving might make some people recall memories of driving to Grandma's, Great Aunt Susie's, or some other relative's house where a grand dinner was going to be served. Or hosting dinner having all family come together for a reunion. For others such as myself, we would stay home and eat by ourselves with …show more content…

There are of course others who have a smaller variety of pre-dinner snacks or sides. Most people that I’ve come across in this holiday are obsessed with the sides as they wait for a big main course to be prepared. Of course there are the others who bide their time playing card games as they wait to stuff themselves with the soon to be done food. I personally am a slight mix, and not a perfect one. I grab a few veggies and maybe a cracker or two, but I also enjoy playing card games and watching T.V while I hungrily wait for dinner. When dinner finally comes it is more often than not a plump Turkey. Others have ham, but I stick to the tradition of turkey. I have never heard of a bird deprived Thanksgiving before someone had told me that they get ham instead. I can see some complaints about turkey such as it is dry (which at times it really can), it being too big or too small, or the most dreaded response to a turkey-less Thanksgiving, the simple yet dreaded “Eh, I prefer ham.” I have none of those complaints for my beloved Thanksgiving treat.

Traditions can have a wide variety, a very wide variety that is. Traditions of how to get a thanksgiving day turkey, is it from the store or the outdoors? How do you go about cooking the turkey, do you use a deep frier? Do you go around the table and proclaim what makes you thankful. For my family we simply eat food, play a nice game of cards, and watch some Thanksgiving

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