Thank You Research Paper

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Call me old fashioned, but I'm a stickler when it comes to Thank Yous. So, I figured this Thank You would be too long for a text or a card. I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts this summer. It takes a lot of drive to work full time & tutor on the side. Believe me when I say, I can relate. My parents told me the day after my high school graduation, " Congrats, you've done a fantastic job with school! Now, how are you going to pay for college?" I'd always assumed mom & dad would pay my way, so you can imagine I almost tipped over when they told me they weren't going to help me. Within the next week I obtained 1 full time job & 3 part time jobs to fill in any gaps. Working 16 hour days was a difficult task & I gave up many things. But from that, I became great at balancing & prioritizing. It wasn't hard, but I wouldn't change it. When I graduated, I had school paid for in full & a clean slate start my career. …show more content…

I'd like to thank you for sharing that hard work ethic with Jamison, Remington & Taytem. They have learned so many life lessons from you, in addition to their math tutoring. You've been a strong, positive influence. To hear Remington ask if "CJ can help me with reading too"; says more than you'll ever know. And for all 3 of them to constantly remind me that "CJ makes math fun" speaks volumes. CJ, you've left an

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