Radiation Therapy Personal Statement

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Since I was young, I always wanted to become a doctor. I would always get excited when I would go to the doctor's office, which is rare for a young kid. Little did I know, my dreams were crushed when I found out the extensive amount of school required to become a doctor. We all know that more years in college, means more money accumulating towards student loans. During my junior year in high school, I enrolled in a few medical related courses. I discovered a variety of health careers that didn’t require more than 4 years of post-secondary education. One career caught my eye: radiation therapy. My interest became bigger and bigger each time I learned more about radiation therapy. Radiation therapist’s work with cancer patients by delivering …show more content…

Over the past years, I’ve noticed many people around my community have been diagnosed with cancer. I want to help those patients in my community, so the cancer can be treated properly. I want to make cancer patients feel safe and without concern while treating their cancer. Being able to speak fluent Spanish, I’m also going to benefit the Latino community. I love that in the future, I’m going to be able to help two completely different cultures for the better good. My degree in radiation therapy will not only benefit my local community, but also will bring a positive vibe worldwide. Cancer is not only designated to be diagnosed in one single community, we all know it’s all around the world. I want to treat others outside my community too because they're just as important as anybody in our community. My degree in radiation therapy will bring an accommodating benefit to the cancer patient …show more content…

Hoping to go to school for three years, five years after my schooling would put me around the age of 26. At the age of 26, I would like to accomplish a couple of things: meet my significant other, buy a car, start saving for my house, and have a secure job. I would love to work at Ashley’s Wellness Center as a radiologist technician, if my radiation therapy career doesn’t go as planned. Eight years from now, I’m hoping to pay back the sacrifices my parents made for me to get through college. I’m going to pay my parents back by giving them all my love and care, and any help they need. In addition, I want to buy my parents a thank you gift like a car or an all paid vacation trip. Above all, I also want to pay back my community by giving them my volunteer time at local events. Only time will tell how my future will

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