Texting: losing touch with emotion

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Through the magic of technology, about a decade ago, a new form of communication was introduced to the world: text messaging. Text messaging has become the go to for communication because of how accessible it is. One can easily type up a message and send it to the person they aimed the message towards and within seconds they will receive it. However, it seems that only younger generations are appreciative of this new form of communication. Older generations frown upon texting because they feel that it takes away emotion and feeling from communicating. I agree with older generation. Texting has caused people to lose the credibility of communicating with one another on an emotional, private, and clarifying level.
Texting has taken away from the emotional aspect of communication in many ways. If one were having an argument with his or her significant other, anger or sorrow wouldn’t be portrayed in the same manner as if it were in person. Texting also obscures emotion by giving people the wrong impression of what kind of emotion one is trying to express. An example of how emotion can be obscured over text message is through acronyms that have been created to make texting easier; most popular being “LOL”. If someone says, “LOL”, which means laughing out loud, the recipient might think the person is literally laughing at something they typed when in actuality they’re just saying “LOL” so that the other person isn’t offended. An instance when this has occurred was when once when walking with a friend, she received a text message from her cousin saying, “ I just spilled water all over myself HAHAHA!” After reading the message out loud she said, “ I don't think it’s that funny. I don't see why she put HAHAHA! Oh well; I’ll just respo...

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...cannot respond for about an hour. The person sending the messages will most likely get upset because they feel their friend is ignoring them, which can lead to rude messages when the friend taking the final finally responds.
Though the form of communication known as, text messaging, has enhanced and improved how fast people talk to one another. On the other hand it has taken away from the emotional and private aspect of communication amongst one another. It doesn’t allow people who are texting to show complete sympathy for one another as if it were in person they could. The privacy of the conversation isn’t as legitimate as if it were to be in person, along with the clarity of the conversation which can relate to the emotional aspect being taken out of the picture when texting. So, older generations do have a point when they say that it dehumanizes communication.

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