Technology: The Effect Of Technology By Ray Bradbury

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The Effect of Technology Technology - something we not only see, but use every day. The definition of technology, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a capability given by the practical application of knowledge”. Specifically, technology used for entertainment is one of the most common types of technology we encounter. From texting to checking social media to watching Netflix, technology is a constant throughout our everyday lives. When people use their phones or watch TV, users may not realize the harm technology can do to a person. You see this concept in a lot of writing by Ray Bradbury, who focuses his writing on the future and the possible effects technology will have on us. While there are many benefits of technology, there are also negatives. …show more content…

Granted that technology mainly used for entertainment can keep users connected to the world around them, such as through the news or social media, it can still cause someone to be less self-reliant. The news can provide viewers with information instantaneously, allowing a forewarning of anything that might happen. Social media and texting allows us to stay in touch with almost anyone. Technology helps create communication with others spanning from people you do not see everyday, to your coworkers around you. “While technology can’t directly form a positive work environment, technology can facilitate better communication” (Fermin, Jeffery “How Technology is Making Our Work Lives More Efficient and Connected”). With entertainment like social media and the news giving us the opportunity to stay connected with others, we allow ourselves to form opinions as well. When one sees a bold headline in the news, or a caption on a post, a person’s mind immediately jumps to conclusions and makes a judgement. This may allow others to break the connections, by simply sending a text message response. People may see “sending a text message” as a simple way to solve a problem, but in all honesty it is not. When you send a text message, you are avoiding facing the problem head-on, by confronting the person and actually taking the time and effort to talk to them. When one avoids an in-person conversation and just sends a text, they are relying on their device to execute the job for them. This concept of laziness and reliance on technology used for entertainment is shown in “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury. In the story, two parents rely on their house, specifically a room called “The Nursery” to entertain their two children.This room lets the children imagine anything they please, as it comes to life around them. Eventually, the children rely so much on the room as their “parent figure” that the children become livid when the parents threaten taking the

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