Texting While Driving Persuasive Speech

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3 Seconds

3 seconds.That's how long it take to take your hands off that wheel and switch your big head at your bright screen.3 seconds is how long to get yourself in a car crash.Don't spare your life and don't do these series of things that can someday kill you.There is one way we can stop this enforce the laws,make the laws have more consequences,people should understand that texting while driving is bad.

The first reason is people don't understand that texting while driving is bad.According to “CDC” people die get injuries,disabled,bling,surgery. 2.5 Million people die in a US year which is very big.Your phone could give you your last seconds of life.Kids are very addicted to phones,Distracted while driving deaths in 2015 is near 3,477.All

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