Text And Drive Persuasive Speech

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Hi, let me start off by asking a few questions…
How many of you own a cell phone?
How many of you are constantly on it?
How many of you have sent a text or something while driving?

So, over the past years the Smart Phone has been getting more advanced. Leading to the advancement of the Smart Phone, this generation can’t do anything without their phone. For example, people find it very important to text and drive, which is not expectable. Today I hope to persuade, you, the audience more about how texting and driving is illegal, highly dangerous, how it can cause your insurance to spike drastically, and why it’s just not worth it.

Moving on to why it became illegal. On November 1, 2015, the act went into law stating that texting and driving is to be banned. It states that you can and will be pulled over if you are caught texting and driving. For example, in the state of Pennsylvania if you get caught texting and driving you get a $50 fine with no points. But in NY you get 5 point, an automatic 60-day suspension and a hefty fine. And if that’s not a good enough reason why not to text and drive, let me tell you why it is dangerous. …show more content…

You are essentially taking your eyes off the road, and taking one hand off the wheel. It also takes a lot longer than you think it does. You may think your only texting for like a second or two but you are not. According to research done INTERNATIONAL BUISNESS TIMEs, states that an average person takes their eyes off the road for 5 seconds, and if they are going at the seed of 55 mph they would cover a full football field. And if your still not convinced then here how it is would cost you a lot of

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