Tempered Glass Essay

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UID : U93198700
Graduate Student, Department Of Mechanical Engineering


• When a normal glass undergo a process of extreme heating and cooling it become harder which is called as tempered glass.

• The brittle nature or property of tempered glass will make it to break into small oval shaped pieces, thus eliminating the danger of injuries.

• Tempered glass fail long after the impact of extreme load, this is because of continuous stress acting within the layer of glass that was been generated during the tempering process. Thus we can say that tempered glass break or fail long after when compare to that of normal glass.

2. Manufacturing Process of Tempered glass

A normal glass undergo a process of following stages :
1. A normal glass is first pass into a hot furnace where it is been heated up to temperature of 650 degree Celsius. At this stage the glass become in molten form and increases the elasticity of it .
2. After the heating process the glass is been passed through air quenched where it under go rapid cooling. During this process the glass undergo with many different type of stress.
3. All the cutting and drilling process is been done before the temper the glass.

3. Reason for using tampered glass in basketball board:

Thermal Resistance :
When a tempered glass is been used in basketball board it will face continuous heating from sunlight in unevenly panes, causing stress that might lead to cracking, but since during the therm...

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...sketball board fail at the edges and propagates through to the other surface of glass thus making crack propagation and failure. In order to avoid this frame should be installed at the center since we have more stress capacity at the center surface area than on the edges.


6. General consideration for improvement of fracture toughness of tempered glass of basketball board.

• Cutting and drilling:

We have to insure that all the cutting and drilling process should be carried out during tempering process, since during the extreme heating stage the glass in a molten form will have more elasticity due to which the damage or crack may not occur.

• Surface Disorder:

The surface disorder will occur during the tempered process stage of extreme heating and rapid cooling; this uneven surface will decreases the strength of glass because of different stress impacts.

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