Edgar Allan Poe: The Father of Horror

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“I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of beauty.” (Edgar Allan Poe.) Edgar Allan Poe had been through many rough experiences. Poe had turned to writing when he had nothing else. Poe was the Father of Horror, and he inspired many poets and writers today. Poe, though melancholy, writes with such literary brilliance that the beauty of his works radiates through and helps you to appreciate poetry more. Edgar Allan Poe’s story begins when he was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. Poe did not know his parents, professional actors, and was separated from his siblings. Poe’s parents died when Poe was young, so he was fostered by John and Frances Allan in Richmond, Virginia. Poe was sent to a stellar boarding school and enrolled in the Us Army. He was asked to leave both school and the Army because he had a lack of financial support. When Poe came home, his Fiance was engaged to someone else. After being removed from school and the army, Poe went to live with his aunt and married his cousin, …show more content…

The recurring theme in Poe’s poems are apprehension, suspense, and sadness. One theme that Poe writes about in The Tell-Tale Heart is time. This theme is used so often and so specifically that it’s confusing when there isn’t an explanation. A few examples of this would be the watch, the “eight days” mentioned, and the use of “midnight.” “It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening,” “Every night, just at twelve, I looked in upon him while he slept.” (The Tell-Tale Heart.) Some of the many writers that were influenced by Poe are Agatha Christie, Maya Angelou, and Oscar Wilde. Poe wasn’t influenced by any certain writer, but more of sad situations he has endured. Poe is considered “The Inventor of the Detective Story,” “The Pioneer of Science Fiction,” and “The Master of the Psychological Horror

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