Teenage Crisis Essay

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Teens in Crisis – 6 Tips
Teens in crisis: It happens from time to time – you find yourself with teens in crisis, and for a moment you are frozen & unsure exactly where to go from here. The fear of making the wrong choice can be paralyzing to parents, but I’m going to provide you with 6 tips for dealing with teens in crisis.
1. Stay Calm – This is easier said most of the time, but it is important to stay calm during even the most stressful times. Your teen is more than likely filled with conflicting emotions and raging hormones, and one of you is going to have to approach this situation with a clear head. Take time to think about things if you need to, there is no time limit here and if you have to get your own emotions in check first that’s …show more content…

Actively Listen – You’ve calmed down, you’ve made a plan and know where you stand, and now it’s time to communicate with your teen in an effective and non-confrontational way. Listen to what your teens in crisis say, & listen to the story behind their words. Many times, what they are not saying is as important as the words coming out of your teens mouth. We sometimes get mad when a teen won’t look us in the eye or constantly turns from our direction during conversations. It’s important to realize that while this can be interpreted as disrespect, it can also be a sign of embarrassment and shame. Let your teen make their case, let them give their excuses and explain themselves, and even if you think their explanation does not have merit listen and hear them out fully. Allowing your teens in crisis to express themselves in this environment is going to allow them to vent and release some stress. Once your teen is finished, it’s time to explain why their actions are unacceptable and why there is going to be consequences to their actions. Explain to your teen why what they did was wrong or the wrong choice, why your family has rules against these actions and how this is going to affect their lives and …show more content…

Limiting free time or “grounding” is a very natural consequence, but you have to make sure that this new found free time is productive and gives time for reflection. Writing in a journal, drawing, and even simply talking about yourself and daily activities opens the lines of communication and allows your teen an outlet and way to reflect on previous & future actions. Also, when handing out consequences, make sure to explain why the consequence was given, the time frame for the consequence & how to avoid them in the

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