Technology and me

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Technology has a huge impact on American culture and is often over looked. Not only am I typing this paper on a piece of technology but I use multiple forms of it every day. Sitting in the room with me, I can name off many items such as a television, phone, lamp, Xbox, flashlight, headphones, and the list goes on and on. Technology is making daily life easier and easier and the world that we know it would be vastly different without it. Imagine if something as simple as a car did not exist, you would not work where you do now, education might not be possible, and you would not know many of the people that you have met over your lifetime. The inventions of the automobile, lightbulb, and internet are the most impactful forms of technology to this day. Without the use of technology, the everyday lives of everybody on the planet would be less opportune and more perplexing.
Ever since the foundation of time, technology has influenced culture. A car was invented, we could go from place to place faster, cities could get supplies a lot much more efficiently. The year 1886 is regarded as ...

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