Technologies Values-Ladenen, Or Are They Value-Neutral?

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Nowadays, technologies play a huge role in everyone’s daily life. We depends on technologies for everything; for example, we depend on technologies to communicate, to learn and to play. The whole purpose of technology is to make our lives easier and obtain information quicker. Now, the question asks are technologies value-laden, or are they value neutral? So what is value-laden and value-neutral? Value-laden are opinions or values that one believes to be true; therefore, leading to a bias decision (Auburn, 2018). An example of value-laden is when Winner explain how technologies is a form of life (Winner, 1986, pg 9). For some, it is very accurate, and for others that is not true at all. However, that is Winner’s opinion on technologies;therefore, he is bias toward his opinion. Where as, on the other hands value-neutral is when one is unbiased toward all subjects and rely on facts (Quamar, 2018). In term of technologies, people also have mixed feelings about technologies as they have with guns. However, I would say that technologies are more …show more content…

However, technologies does not have a mind of it own or does it can process and understand emotions. Everything that technologies do is to help fulfill the goals and purposes of people using it. Technologies cannot simply be blame or praise for what a person using it do, but the the person using it is responsible for what happen after. Technologies can be used for bad and good, it is all depends on the values of the person using it. Like Cook said, our values are greatly reflect on our decisions and choices (Cook, 2007, pg 6). In addition, values play a huge role in helping one decide what is good and what is bad. One’s actions are based on what one believes to be fit for the situation. Either it is bad or good, one is to hold responsible for the consequences. With that being said, technologies are simply value-neutral rather than

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