Team Captain Self Assessment

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A strong and motivated team captain will always take his team towards the winning position by boosting up the team’s confidence and improving their internal defaults. At the end whole team will enjoy the fruit of the success. A manager is an important element of an organization like a team captain. He manages the workforce and service in excellent way which leads his organization towards the big achievement. An organization can’t work successfully if its manager doesn’t play any effective role. Being a manager I can understand all these risks and realities. This is my self-assessment essay about my life history, from the time when I was young and can do only one thing which was destruction of toys up till now when I’m grown up …show more content…

I read there that in order to achieve the high objectives and goals of the organization a manager really plays an important role. Paraschiv (2013) said that from the people to the services, all things will work in an organized way, if a manager shows his interest and motivation towards work.The manager is basically the leader of the team. The managing of the lower staff will produce a good quality product at the right time without wastage of extra resources and efforts. And it will be possible only when the manager produces the basic element of the team work and motivation among these lower staff members (Bass & Stogdill, 1975). From the high authorities to the lower staff, the management of the organization is basically divided into three types which are top level management for making the policies and working strategy and then middle level management and at the end of the lower level management (Sunday & C, 2011). At all these levels, managers have their different duties and different priorities, but they work for a common cause which is to generate a big amount of profit annually for the …show more content…

In an effective management system all things work in a precise manner one after the other (Drew, Ehrich, & Hansford, 2008). If any problem comes in the way the manager will find it quickly without stoping the complete workflow. The time will also save which will produce more money. The manager is the leading position of the organization that settles down all the matters related to finance, people, time , information, place, services and working machinery before the start of working line (Organization and management

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