Sandra Reid Summary

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What made you want to become a manager?
Sandra Reid responds by saying that she wanted to become a manager because she wanted to impact policy and make changes for the betterment of the school system. She states that she believes strongly in education and its ability to open doors for people and change lives. She believes in all of us, there is some desire to want to lead with integrity and focus and direction. She says that management comes with the principalship as they are tied together. She adds that management is a huge part of what she does everyday as a principle as it is part of the job.

What do you think makes a perfect manager?
Sandra Reid answer is that a manager has to be a great visionary and have a vision. They have to understand …show more content…

The grading policy changed the way students were evaluated. The former policy was structured so that if a student was well behaved, did their work, got extra credit, etc. they would receive “fluff points” which would increase their grades and lead to them As and Bs. The students who were not intrinsically motivated and not well behaved would receive the lower grades. The new grading system would rely solely on mastery of content. This meaning that homework, extra credit, and behavioral factors were no longer used to determine a student’s grade. The superintendent and the board of education choose these policies which Mrs. Reid then has to sell to the people in her school. Mrs. Reid states that because she does not make the policy changes, she considers herself a middle manager because she is tasked with implementing those changes. This is, according to Mrs. Reid, can be very difficult. The new policy was very controversial. Mrs. Reid states that students were up in arms, especially juniors and seniors because now their grades were not going to be as “inflated” as they were prior and they were in the years that colleges would be looking at them. Mrs. Reid said that the new policy became a contentious point for some people. She stated that she was stretched thin trying to deal with the parents who were very upset, the students who were …show more content…

She mentions that getting more sleep is extremely important. Mrs. Reid then discusses what helps her accomplish her work goals. She states that making a list of priorities or needs to be accomplished that day in the morning so that she knows, from the start, what absolutely must be done. This helps her stay organized. She says that at work, she gets things thrown at her left and right and that the unexpected is always happening. She says that she knows she won't get to all of the things she plans to accomplish in one day because of all the unexpected situations that arise. Mrs. Reid mentions that it is important to find time to eat and exercise. She says that if you get sick you cannot run the organization as effectively as you could. She say that she sometimes goes home and tries to get an hour of downtime where she does not talk to anyone. She uses this time to herself to decompress. Then, for her, it’s back to

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