Should Schools Have A Pass Or Fail Grading System

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I strongly believe that schools should start using a different grading system from what they use now. Rather than having a numerical grading system, they would have a strictly pass or fail system. In doing this students would benefit in multiple different ways. To begin with, having a pass or fail grading system would allow more students to get into college. Many students exist that with their numerical grades can not get into college because their grades just do not appear high enough; however, if all colleges knew was whether a student passed or failed a class then a generously higher number of students would grow able to get into college. The idea that many students can not get into an exceptional school, which makes getting a satisfactory, high paying job much more difficult is often an inclement, harsh reality for many young people. So just think about all the ways having a pass or fail grading system would benefit so many students that …show more content…

Students could take classes that they may want to pursue a career in, but do not feel sure if they would appear good at it or not, without worrying about getting a low grade. This concept is pretty amazing considering that students can take risks and branch out from their norm. They could try something new that they probably would not otherwise try if they thought they may get an unsatisfactory grade. That opens up tons of new opportunities to students who want to take risks and try new things, but feel too afraid of what might happen to their grade point average if they did. In all, by expunging the numerical grading system it could significantly aid students in taking new risks and branching out more than they normally

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