Understanding Target Corporation: An In-Depth Analysis

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Target Corporation The first thing most people see when it comes to a company or brand is usually an advertisement. Advertisements are what creates your brands image or persona and allows consumers to see what your company can do for them. For the Target Corporation it is no different, “We fulfill the needs and fuel the potential of our guests. That means making Target your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional experiences—consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less.” (Target Brand Promise). Their brand promise is one of the first things you will see when viewing their website, to us that gives a consumer the immediate knowledge of exactly what this company …show more content…

That means making Target your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional experiences—consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less.” Is represented through all their social media websites, if you take a look at their twitter account you can see part of their mission statement in every tweet. “Proud of our @Target #volunteers leading the way + making incredible impact in communities! https://t.co/OsHjIGl8Je #NationalVolunteerWeek” (tweet for Targets twitter account) This tweets shows that they are trying to help consumers that may or may not be visiting their stores. Target has a long list of tweets about new brands that they are continuously finding to fulfill the wants and needs of their customer. “Say hello to the #MarimekkoForTarget collection. Coming 4.17.16. Peek at the lookbook for lots to love through our profile link. #TargetStyle” (Tweet for Targetstyle twitter account). As you can see the Target brand is always looking for ways to meet their brand expectations and follow their mission statement. I even took a trip to my local target and spoke with a manager to ask if he knew the mission statement of the company his words were “we make an effort to have every employee be able to recite our mission statement, because it allows for them to know and follow it every day that they come into …show more content…

Of course most companies have advertising and communication experts that are taking control of their media presence but for the most part we feel that their messages are coming from the heart of their company whether that be the owners or the ceo. We believe that is trying to reach all consumers that are 18 and older. Because it is not a company that sells a specific product, Target sells everything anyone could need from clothes and shoes to coffee and televisions they have everything. This kind of product line up makes it so that target does not have to have specific group of consumers that they are reaching for its almost limitless. Companies like these however need to constantly be researching and looking into consumer responses and polls to see what kind of advertisements and social media sites are working the best for them. Theirs many ways of doing this with sites like survey monkey, Typeform, and Survata. There are even apps for your smartphones to get research information like Personapp. With Personapp, you can create quick and informal profiles for the different personas you’ve developed among your audience. After setting a name, title, and image for the persona, you can add in personal details like behaviors, demographics, and needs/goals. Taget

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