Target CEO Breach Case Study

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Target CEO made several mistakes from a management perspective. Mr. Gregg Steinhafel the CEO was not sure how to regain the consumer trust. The damaging aggressive disclosure, would not have come out until the beach through malware, was identified. However, spending millions of dollars on repairing the damages that were outraged. The breach would have come out with the CEO video showing empathic, explaining how the breach happens and ways of stopping it from happening again. Mr. Steinhafel should have met with the store managers instead of snooping around them. The managers were the ones responsible for 32 million customers a week before the catastrophe. The managers are the connection between the essential past on information to customers. Nevertheless, never leave the store managers grasping at straws. …show more content…

Mr. Steinhafel begins holding twice-daily status meetings, providing tips on how to monitor their accounts, promised zero liability, offer a new technology defenseless to fraud. Consequently, essential information, that the money making managers could have passed on. Some people may be understanding if the pieces of information, on how highly technical and sophisticated the breach may affect any organization at any time. I believe and telling the employees and customers how valuable they are to the

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