Symptoms Of Anxiety

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Anxiety occurs in all stages and walks of life. Anxiety is a naturally occurring feeling that is nothing to worry about unless the individual is experiencing that anxiety in the presence of no apparent danger. When anxiety exceeds the normal amount there is not only danger to the individual but also to the people that are surrounding that individual. Anxiety is a growing problem for young adults in today’s society. “Anxiety is a multisystem response to a perceived threat or danger. It reflects a combination of biochemical changes in the body, the patient's personal history and memory, and the social situation. It is important to distinguish between anxiety as a feeling or experience, and an anxiety disorder as a psychiatric diagnosis. A person may feel anxious without having an anxiety disorder. In addition, a person facing a clear and present danger or a realistic fear is not usually considered to be in a state of anxiety. Anxiety frequently occurs as a symptom in other categories of psychiatric disturbance” (Frey 205). Even though …show more content…

Women are also twice as likely to develop one of the many different anxiety disorders. Adults within the age range of 25 and 34 have the highest prevalence of anxiety disorders. Individuals who have an anxiety disorder are also highly likely to have an already existing mental condition, which only a small number of people sought out treatment for. (Ayres) No one person has exactly the same anxiety disorder as the next person. Symptoms of anxiety disorders may include worrying or being more fearful than normal, feelings of mental restlessness, and one's tendency to be hesitant toward their surroundings. Even though there is no actual threat present, teenagers may describe their feelings as always being nervous, restless, or extremely stressed

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