Symbolism In The Movie 'Ethan Frome'

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Drew Turner
English IIII
Ethan Frome Essay 1) In the movie, Ethan Frome the author likes to use a lot of symbolism. In Ethan Frome, the main symbol the author uses is the red pickle dish. The pickle dish was a present Zeena got from her cousin for a wedding gift. She kept it up in the china cabinet to keep it safe she never took it down. The red pickle dish represents the marriage of Ethan and Zeena. When the cat breaks the pickle dish, it represents the ending of the marriage as Ethan falls in love with Mattie. This makes Zeena become a dynamic character as she changes her feeling for Mattie. Zeena then wants to kick Mattie out but Ethan does not want her to go which causes some complication between everyone. As Mattie then tries

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