Symbolic Ethnicity Essay

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I agree that non-whites possess no ethnic options. If you are half white and half Mexican, you are most likely going to be categorized as Mexican, regardless of which ethnic option you would prefer to identify as, you are always going to be categorized as whatever ethnicity you physically match the most.
When looking into how minority groups work at asserting their desired ethnic identities, I believe this to be the case in many instances. I have heard, and have seen through the media, that if you appear to have some type of African background, that it is best to claim that you also have a background such Puerto rican or some kind of islander. As we have spoken about in class, When someone of African background arrives to America with a distinct …show more content…

I have never been hyphenated as German-American, like many ethnicities are titled in ways such as Mexican-American, Asian-American etc. This leads me into talking about Symbolic Ethnicity, Symbolic ethnicity is a term coined by Herbert Gans (1979) to refer to ethnicity that is individualistic in nature and without real social cost for the individual.” From the reading “Mary Waters, A Professor Of Sociology At Harvard University, Is The Author Of. Optional Ethnicities: For Whites Only? By Mary Waters (n.d.): n. pag. Web.” Why is it that it is so easy to obtain the “all American” title for someone who is Caucasian, but so difficult for a minority to identify as an American. Although my family has been in the United States for only 50 years, I will never have someone try to discredit me if I only identify as American. For example, when referring to the brown bag rule or the one drop rule, your ancestors can date back in America since our founding fathers were around, but if they appear to physically have some kind of non European descent, they will always be written off as just hyphenated American. This is strange to me, because I don’t understand how just because you are not fully some …show more content…

Once a year they might do a cultural celebration for a culture they may not know much about, and then after that day of celebration is over, they can go back to their every day life of security. I will never feel afraid for my life when I go to a Bier Garten or Oktoberfest wearing the traditional Dirndl dress, I have never been targeted because of how I dress culturally, which is a completely different experience many people of non-white background face when they wear their traditional garments. I can choose whether or not I want to express my ethnic background, I could choose to one day identify as an American. On the fourth of July I can go to my neighbors barbecues and celebrate as an American, I can decide whether or not I want my ethnic background to influence my interactions with my peers. That is not the case for many non-whites, you cannot turn on an off your ethnic background in order for you to be able to enjoy a certain holiday for one day. It is not as easy as taking off a costume, and being able to ignore that ethnic background until that time of year comes around again where you put on a green shirt to celebrate your “Irish background” for Saint Patrick’s day, you are that ethnicity, and you cannot hide it. When I go out the next day in my every day clothing, I will not get harassed for what I wear, and I will not get targeted because I

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