Suzanne Britt Neat People Vs Sloppy People

707 Words2 Pages

Jessica Parra
Dr. Mireille Trokkos
ENGL 68, (30364): Prep for College Writing
The Truth about Sloppy and Neat In Suzanne Britt’s “Neat People vs. Sloppy People” she ridicules neat people and defends the ways of sloppy people. Britt states that neat people are in fact meaner and lazier as opposed to sloppy people. Although their may be some cases where neat people are meaner and lazier than sloppy people, in my experience neat people are actually not mean nor lazy at all. For instance my older sister Bertha is a neat person and by far the kindest person I know on the other hand my younger sister Christine is a sloppy person and quite lazy at that. Britt’s view on neat people and sloppy people through out her essay is incorrect …show more content…

While Bertha is out running marathons my sister Christine would rather sit at home with a bag of chips watching marathons of her favorite shows on television. Britt states in her essay “Not a paper will go unturned; not a rubber band will go unboxed.”(1) Claiming sloppy people pay attention to detail and make sure everything has a certain place when cleaning. Still her accusations are false when in fact sloppy people like Christine don’t pay attention to every object when cleaning and spend time organizing certain objects together. In reality on the rare occasion Christine actually cleans she doesn’t spend time organizing her things, as long as the mess is out of sight she is done cleaning. For example she tends to pile her clothes and shoes with other random objects that are left laying on her floor or desk in her closet and finishes with closing the door so the mess isn’t noticeable when walking into her room. Sloppy people like Christine are in truth messier and lazier when it comes doing things such as

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