Suspending Students

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Imagine this, your child tells you about how a kid who brought a gun to school got suspended, you’d be happy right? Of course you would, because you know that student who brought the gun isn’t going to be around your child for at least a couple of weeks. So why in the world are schools wanting to stop suspending students? Although many people don’t agree with suspending students, suspension should still be practiced because kids won’t have to be around “bad apples”, suspending crummy students is easy and convenient, and there will most likely be disciplinary actions at home for the students.

When a student gets expelled, it gives parents of other children peace-of-mind. In the article, “Why Do We Suspend Misbehaving Students?” by Brian Palmer it says, “Still, surveys consistently show that parents support suspension, because it keeps those students perceived as bad apples away from their peers.” Some may argue that suspending students stunts their academic growth, but parents want their child to be able to go to school and not fear for their safety, which is sometimes the case in schools that don’t suspend students. You wouldn’t want your kid going to school with someone that could be potentially dangerous would you? …show more content…

When a student starts acting up, it’s easier and takes less resources to suspend them for a few days then it is to implement a “restorative justice” system that doesn’t teach the kids anything but how to fake an apology and an apologetic face. In the article “Why Do We Suspend Misbehaving Students?” by Brian Palmer it says, “ Why is suspension such a common punishment? Because it’s familiar, cheap, and convenient.” While some say it’s about helping the students, The less resources a school has to put toward helping students with behavioral issues, the more they can put toward things that contribute to the school’s well

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