Susie's Hope Movie Analysis

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Susie’s Hope Review Susie’s Hope is based on an inspiring true story of love, loss, and redemption. It is based on the December 1, 2010 “Susie’s Law” passed in North Carolina to adequately punish animal cruelty. The Humane Society proudly partnered in the making of this movie; however, despite this narrative, it also focuses on the continuity of a marriage that could have easily fallen apart. Donna Smith Lawrence was afforded a second chance at life, embraced her mission and ran full speed ahead. In October 2008, Donna and her husband and her husband Roy had just been blessed with the good news of Donna’s pregnancy. They knew the child was going to be a girl and her name was going to be Susie. One-day Donna and her friend Ramona heard …show more content…

Although this experience left Donna fearful of large dogs, 10 months later as Donna and Ramona are walking in the park they come across a Pitbull mix puppy that has been left for dead in the bushes. Donna and Ramona took the puppy to the Guilford County animal shelter in Greensboro, North Carolina. The puppy had severe second and third-degree burns over most of her body; her ears were burned off, and she had a broken jaw and teeth. Initially, they were going to euthanize the puppy; however, when Donna went in to say goodbye, the puppy licked her hand and this melted her heart. The vet had informed Donna that it would cost $17,000 for the puppy’s care; nevertheless, Donna found a way to acquire the funds. Donna and Ramona went on the evening news with the story and photos of the puppy. When the news anchor asked Donna the puppy’s name, she replied, “Her name is Susie.” Shortly thereafter funds came rolling into the animal shelter for Susie’s Miracle …show more content…

On one occasion when Donna brought Susie home to care for her, she nipped Donna’s hand drawing blood. Roy had taken Susie back to the animal shelter; but he could not have her euthanized after the vet educated him in regard to what happens to most shelter dogs when they are surrendered. Donna, Roy, and Susie learned to love, heal, and forgive together. The Lawrence’s have helped Susie learn to love and respect humans who love and respect

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