Sunscreen Argumentative Essay

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With the sun’s vital role in sustaining earth life, exposure to it’s harmful rays is inevitable. The light energy emanated from the sun is comprised of ultraviolet A rays, which primarily cause deep skin sun damage and aging, while ultraviolet B rays account for temporary sunburn (“Sunscreens Explained”). Precautionary actions against these rays can prevent longterm skin issues, including skin cancer. In order to physically defend against these invisible rays, UV blocking is necessary through the forms of sunscreen, eye protection, and protective clothing. The necessity of caution and UV blocking lies within the risk of sun exposure silently threatening humans’ future health, along with assuring present comfort (Kelly). Likewise, the tangibility and affordability of UV blocking products, such as sunscreen, makes prevention of skin damage easily accessible. …show more content…

Sunscreen blocks UV ray penetrations with “inorganic compounds like zinc oxide and titanium oxide [that] reflect or scatter ultraviolet (UV) radiation…[and] organic ingredients like…oxybenzone absorb UV radiation, dissipating it as heat” (“How Does Sunscreen Work?”). The deflection of UV rays prevents surface and deep skin damage, which would otherwise speed signs of aging. Other forms of UV blocking include wearing UV protective sunglasses. Not only do sunglasses protect the “skin of [the] eyelids but also the cornea, lens, and other parts of the eye” (Robertson). Safeguarding the external body preserves internal wellbeing by preventing damage from UV turning into tumors that risk the internal body. Overall, UV blocking benefits both the external and internal health through preventing detrimental skin tissue

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