Sunday Hunting

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In the state of Pennsylvania there are only seven days to legally rifle hunt antlered and antler-less white-tailed deer. Out of the insignificant seven days of the hunting season, it is only legal to hunt on six of them. There should not be a law that makes it illegal to hunt on Sundays. It should not be a law because it is attempting to force religion on people and because they are not in church they are not allowed to hunt. There were also other laws like this in PA and most of them were repealed, but why wasn’t this one? I know that some people are religious and believe that Sunday is a day for God and if they don’t think killing an animal on Sunday is a good thing to do they don’t have to. There is also a very limited time that you can legally hunt in Pennsylvania, December 7-14, so if there is a one-week restriction we should be allowed to hunt on every one of those days. There are few days to hunt and hunting being illegal on Sundays is not getting us closer to the amount of time the public wants in their hunting season.
One reason hunting should be legal on Sunday is there should not be laws that are because of religion or try to force religion. This law was passed with a set of laws called the Blue Laws and they were passed to urge people to go to church by making things illegal to do on Sunday. The law preventing hunting on Sunday should be repealed because it is trying to force people into religion, even though people have the freedom of religion they are being punished for not going to church. People have the freedom of religion and this law is attempting to force religion on people, which is why it should be repealed. This law prohibits people from hunting because they are not in church which violates the public's fr...

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... law prohibiting hunting on Sunday.
There should not be a law prohibiting hunting on Sundays just because people should be practicing religion. One reason is people that do not go to church should not be punished for not going and they should be allowed to hunt or do what they want in that time. Also being able to hunt on Sunday would also give hunters more time to kill an animal and to legally harvest its meat. Another reason is most of the other Blue laws were repealed, these other laws also prohibited activities on Sunday, so this law should also be repealed. Lastly, if people do not like the idea of hunting on the day for God they do not have to do it. There is a very restricted time to hunt some animals and not being allowed to hunt on Sundays is making it worse. Hunting on Sundays should be legalized mostly because it is trying to force religion on the public.

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