Commentary On The Essay 'Why I Hunt' By Rick Bass

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What Does Hunting Do For Us For many people, hunting is just a sport, but for some it is a way of life. In Rick Bass’s “Why I Hunt” he explains how he got to where he lives now and what he thinks of the sport of hunting. There are many things in the essay that I could not agree more with, and others that I strongly disagree. Overall this essay provides a clear depiction of what goes through the mind of a hunter in the battle of wits between them and the animal. At the beginning of the essay, Bass explains how he came to be in Montana and how this move made him a better hunter. He said he had hunted all of his life, but the Montana landscape and terrain made him have a deeper appreciation for the animals that live there. Also, the animals he had previously did not compare to the intelligence of the animals in Montana. Bass says: “I myself love to hunt the deer, the elk, and the grouse-to follow them into the mouth of the forest, to disappear in their pursuit-get lost in following the snowy tracks up one mountain and down the next.” I agree with this claim because a s a hunter, I know what it is like to get “lost” in the hunt. When you are in this …show more content…

Bass makes some great views and made some great points in this essay. Many of these views I agree with and some I did not. Hunting makes us better human beings and contributes to the success that we have in life. Hunting forces us to use our imagination and give our brains a workout as well as allowing us to cope with the fact that we may not always get what we want. Hunting generates determination as well as confidence that can help us in life and help achieve our goals. I have made many memories with my family while hunting and those memories are some of my favorite. Hunting is something that overtime will change you, but it almost always for the

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