Summer Reading Advantages

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Across the nation, it is very common for students to be assigned a summer reading assignment. Many educators believe that this is an important part of their education and helps students retain their knowledge and reading skills. However, this is not the case. It is very unfair to give students an assignment over their break after they just completed an entire year of stress and work. Summer reading also prevents students from finding their own personal, more meaningful enrichment because they are forced to read a book already chosen for them. Although it makes sense to have children continue their studies over the ten week period, it is just inconsiderate.
Many educators argue that by reading over the summer students gain continued reading skills and grow intellectually. They believe summer reading will prevent a ‘summer slump’ and will prepare them for the following school year. However high …show more content…

This, also, may be somewhat true, but it is much more enriching for students, and humans in general, to read material that they find interesting and important to them. People gain more enrichment from doing things they love than things they do not care about. Kids should be able to learn and read about things that actually matter to them, unlike the boring books that are assigned by schools.
There are many reasons why summer reading is not worth students’ (nor teachers’) time. One big reason is because students have faced an extremely stressful previous year and schoolwork is the absolute last thing on their mind. After completing nine months of an unbearable workload, why make it worse? Why add more work to a time where kids are trying to relax? In addition to this, summer reading limits students from reading items of their own choosing and finding enrichment on their own terms. There are many detrimental factors to summer

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