Summer Break-Round School

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Some students tend to wonder what would happen if they had a year round school year, what would happen? Changing summer break into much shorter, but more frequent breaks would be beneficial for many reasons. Most students lose up to one month of knowledge over the summer. Although most students could go to a learning camp over the summer, lower income students cannot afford this as summer break is financially taxing on them. Because basic items cost hundreds of dollars a week, they have to worker harder than ever to make up this money. Finally, while lower income and higher income students may have their differences, nearly all students stay up late over summer break. Staying up late causes these students to get out of their school routine …show more content…

Over summer students lose up to one month of knowledge, this is because of something called “Summer Slide” (Denners,2014). This lost month of knowledge has to be relearned by reviewing material the students should already know. Schools in the US have to review this material, therefore, the United States is falling behind other developed countries in education. (Denners, 2014). In a survey conducted around the world, the US scored a dismal 14th place compared to 42 other developed countries,(Foyer, 2013) that mean that 1 in 3 developed countries scored higher than the US. Lost knowledge can be a big deal. Astoundingly, over 50% of the achievement gap between high income and low-income students has to do with lost summer learning opportunities. Students living in poverty experience summer slide more than any other student group. Lost summer opportunities can make the difference of earnings thousands of dollars over a lifetime to …show more content…

This is probably because they deviated from their school routine. A study taken shows that on average eight in 10 students deviate from their school routine (Dickson, 2012). This deviation* causes students to go to their first few months of school feeling groggy and tired. It has been proven that if a student comes to school with only 7 hours of sleep, they can do up to 8 percent worse on tests (Dickson, 2012). One teacher, (Patricia Samson, 2015), says that “for the first few months of school some of my students were hard to engage in class. They also do not focus. If students deviate from their school routine over the summer it can mean the difference between going to school feeling normal and going to school feeling like a lifeless

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