Summary: The Influence Of Technology On Family Dynamics

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Nowadays people spend several hours during the day using all sorts of technology such as social media, video games,cellphones, online TV, etc. Technology has became part of our lives to the point that the excessive use of it is affecting the family dynamics. Interactions among families has been affected in the era of digital media. In which the common scenene seen in modern families these days is the one in which the father is watching TV, the mother is busy scrolling on her phone, the son is paying online with children of different parts of the world, the daughter is playing with the apps on her table, (Devito, 28). * the only eyeballs that is not looking at some sort of screen if luckily is the pet’s one. In the article, The Influence …show more content…

Mealtime seems to be one of the most affected to society eyes. As much access that people has to technology, it became very popular to have any sort of technology device during mealtime. “64 % of all 8-to 18 years old, live in homes where the TV is usually on during meals”(Villegas 7 ).Such a pattern affects the quality time that a family should spend during mealtime and it makes it difficult for the family to have engaging conversations. In the article “The Influence of Technology on Family Dynamics ” The author points out the importance of eating together and emphasizes on the multiple benefits that sharing a meal as a family has for children. “Eating together at mealtime provides opportunities for the family to communicate with one another. It also has critical benefits for a child’s development including: physical, social, emotional, academic, behavioral and for overall development of family connections.” (Villegas, 7 ).Strong family relationships are formed when the members share stories, ideas, thoughts and feelings and also establish traditions. Mealtime provides the perfect space to develop engagement, and interest among family members to perform all those enriching activities. Moreover one the major advantages of family meals is the benefit of reinforce family bonds.(Villegas 7). Meal time provides a space during the day for the family to get together. This at the same time establish family routines which is very important for a child because it makes feel him secure and it provides him the feeling that he has a family to count on. Eating together without any distraction allows the members of the family to be participants of what really is important at mealtime. Mealtime provides a valuable moment to share, to strengthen. It is a healthy habit that would leave an outstanding impact in every member of the

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