Texting at the dinner table

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Families have become strained through the generations with the amount of things one feels they need to accomplish in one day. Family meals have been invaded with hand held devices like: cell phones, tablets, and game devices. The two visuals use images and color to show that on one side technology at the table can cause for a very dull evening due to the lack of communication between family at the dinner table, while the second image of the table without technology is full of communication and bright with excitement. The purpose of this picture is to persuade not to use technology like texting or answering phone calls during family dinners and communicate within one another. Viewers should first notice the family is wearing nice clothing which may represent that they are successful. The children look like they are well put together and will do well in life like their parents. Statistics state that children that take one hour out of their day to eat together with their families at dinner time are more likely to make higher grades, excel in life, and less likely to do drugs. It is also shown that children are less likely to act out because they have time to let parents know what they are thinking and feeling about certain situations. Parents who want their children to excel in life try and dedicate at least one hour for their family sit and talk about their day. The family is meant to show that they are communicating with each other, enjoying themselves and that it is easy to give up one hour a day. The bright colors that they are wearing also show how happy they are with each other, they also seem to match and coordinate with each other. Viewers emotions should be tugged in this image things they should be feeling like happine... ... middle of paper ... ...elevision, being at work away from works, using social media sites, and playing games on their hand held devices. The American family spends about 18 hours per month with their families that’s less than a month yet can spend up to 5 hours a day on some sort of digital device, watch about 5 hours a day watching television and approximately 2 hours listening to music. From the two images above one can point out about a million things and feel about a thousand emotions but will one actually change from the new information stated or are their dependence on their handheld devices too great to let go. Communication within the family is important in order to hold out successful relationships with spouses so are friends, classmates, coworkers or bosses more important than those important relationships one can only hope to create with that special someone later in life.

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