Summary Of Why We Need Horror On Tv Wisener

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Eyes enlarge as you watch from just a few feet away while a cannibalistic undead is ripping through its subsequent hapless victim. You are stuck with fear, but suddenly remember you are just watching this happen on the screen in front of you. Instilling heart pounding reactions are just one reason why society loves the grotesque and occasionally the psychological nature of horror that leaves its viewers with such a unique sensation. “Why We Need Horror on Television”, an article by Jasef Wisener, takes an interesting stance on the horror genre where he argues that society needs horror and specifically for it to be on prime time television. While Wisener’s article is not a scholarly paper, he executes a solid argument that leaves you believing …show more content…

It should come as no surprise that horror is not everyone’s favorite genre. What should come as a surprise though is as TV viewers have dwindled in numbers, the audience for horror on television has increased (Wisener 1). This inversely related trend shows that horror certainly has become popular amongst audiences today. Wisener also references plenty of horror shows past and new to display to readers that there are various shows on different networks to choose from. Furthermore, he touches on the topic of the psychology behind horror and to simply put it Wisener quotes esteemed horror master Wes Craven: “Horror films don’t create fear. They release it.” This safe way of releasing fear is what makes the horror genre so popular. The unique sensation fulfilled by watching a horror show is one that cannot be matched. By explaining this he appeals to both those who like or dislike horror in order to give the reader a better understanding of why horror could potentially be good for you. Not only is it the viewer who gets to release fear, but also its author. In this past Television Critics Association press tour Ryan Murphy, who created American Horror Story, disclosed that he used his own fears to aide in the production of the show (Wisener 2). This displays that whether it is film, television, or literature, it is a great outlet for the writer as well to release their fears. Another

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