Summary Of Therapist's Theories

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Therapist met with individual to discuss instigating a fight. Therapist had individual to express what he could do in order to stop instigating. Therapist had individual practice techniques of problem-solving by walking away, removing himself from the situation and grabbing the nearest adult for help. Individual states he will joke at first, but realized it was wrong. Individual also stated he will walk away and get an adult when there is a conflict. Teacher reports individual has shown no change with improving positive peer interaction due to teacher’s reports of individual’s constant joking and talking about his peers scare to fight. Therapist observed that individual was able to come up with solution to conflicts by stop joking and talking …show more content…

Therapist had individual work on self-control techniques such as counting to twenty when angry and thinking before reacting when becoming upset or extremely annoyed. Individual stated that the student hit him, and he hit her back. Individual also stated that he will try to solve the conflict and let an adult know if it is serious before fighting. Teacher reports individual has shown regression with improving anger management due to teacher’s reports of individual’s fighting and talking about peers clothes, hair, etc. Therapist observed individual remained calm after debating a scenario about bullying, individual was able to take deep breath and solve the problem without fighting. Therapist will attempt to meet with individual on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, between 9-11 AM to work on self-control techniques such as calming down by taking deep breath and avoiding talking about his peers. Hunter- (10-11) IRS Therapist met with individual to discuss individual joking with peers in the bathroom. Therapist and individual work on techniques to prevent conflicts by planning important decision, be willing to listen to each other, and be ready to compromise. Individual stated that he and other peers jokes all the time, but he knows it’s not right. Individual stated that he would listen, understand and compromise before getting angry with …show more content…

Therapist observed individual was able to listen and talk about the problem before getting into a conflict. Therapist will attempt to meet with individual on Wednesday, May 23, 2018, between 8-10 AM to work on problem-solving techniques to prevent conflicts by planning important decision, be willing to listen to each other, and be ready to compromise. Landon- (11-11:45) IRS Therapist met with individual to discuss individual talking back to his teacher and leaving his seat without permission. Therapist had individual practice self-control techniques; think before you act, raise hand and wait, and count to ten to help decrease anger outbursts. Individual states his teacher always blame him for talking and no one else. Individual also stated he does talk and will raise his hand to get her attention. Teacher reports individual has shown regression with improving anger management and respect for authority figures due to teacher’s reports of individual talking back to his teacher and leaving his seat without permission. Therapist observed individual using his techniques of thinking before acting out and counting to decrease his anger

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