Summary Of The Poem 'Sir Gawain And The Green Knight'

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In the poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Pearl Poet, Sir Gawain goes on a journey. Many people believe that Sir Gawain did not abide by his virtues, letting go of what he valued most. Gawain was so proud of his values that he depicted them on his shield, which he carried around everywhere. Gawain’s first four sets of virtues are not contested over; however, there is a debate over the last set. Sir Gawain himself believes that he failed in his journey because he did not overcome his challenges virtuously and accepted the green girdle. On the contrary, I believe that by accepting the girdle, he did not break any of his fifth set of virtues. He still showed politeness, pureness, friendship, fraternity, and pity along the way. Although quite …show more content…

For example, after the lord treats Gawain with hospitality, Gawain mentions, “Your requests are now this knight’s commands. I am bound by your bidding.” Although this unknown king could ask for anything outrageous, Gawain gives his solemn oath. Gawain is paying respect to this lord who made Gawain welcome. In addition, when the Green Knight comes to King Arthur’s palace, Sir Gawain is the only knight who accepts it and tells King Arthur“ Such a foolish affair is unfitting for a king, so; being first to come forward, it should fall to me.” Arthur is being courteous to his king, and taking on a very suspicious job against a humongous Green Knight who other “brave” knights were afraid of. Furthermore, Sir Gawain is polite towards the king’s wife. After much insistence for Gawain to commit an act of adultery, Gawain merely says “ I shall kiss at your command, as becomes a knight.” Even though this beautiful lady was seducing Gawain, he had to be polite to the lord and not commit adultery with his wife. On top of that, Gawain had to reject the lady’s advances in a chivalrous manner. Gawain handled this quite nicely with courtly love. Likewise, he is also being noble with this act. The lord’s wife keeps on pressing him day after day to advance with her, but he stays strong and mentions “ I shall not succumb.” This is so difficult because Sir Gawain could enjoy on his possibly last day to live, but instead chooses to stay pure and

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