Summary Of The Play 'Subterranean Homesick Blues Again'

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Play Review The 10 minute drama play Subterranean Homesick Blues Again by Dennis Reardon is about some friends that are going on a tour to a popular cavern, they are descending 15,000 feet into the bowels of the earth. They are being lead by a small tour guide. As they start descending deeper in the cavern one couple starts making jokes about the insides of the cavern. The tour guide steadily gets irritated by the constant jokes and the lack on respect. The tour takes a sudden turn when the tour guide starts to scare the couples, and things take a strange and exciting turn at the end of the tour. Reardon potrays death as a horrifying, and long journey. Reardon’s writing was superior. He used many descriptive words to help visualize the scenes.

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