Summary Of The Deep Sadness Of Elk That Don T Run

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In Michael Byrne “The Deep Sadness of Elk That Don’t Run,” Michael talks about how the bourgeoisie want to create conformity and approval, but Michael writes “That these are the people that don’t succeed in groups…” (Byrne, Michael. The Deep Sadness of Elk That Don't Lie. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.) They are going as to get mindless conformity that they are training students to know how to fit in, in the excerpt by Susan Cain “The Power of introvert in the World That Can’t Stop Talking.” “Children’s classrooms are arranged in pods, because group participation supposedly leads to better learning; in one school I visited, a sign announcing “rules for group work”…” With this happening in schools around the United States, stigmas are thrown on kids …show more content…

We have been indoctrinating kid to think that working together is the only way to live life to the fullest. In order to get from social-anxiety disorder to being normal, “Pfizer got approval to market the SSRI Paroxetine (Paxil) for social-anxiety… to ease the pain of a new condition afflicting an untold numbers of humans.” Why do we not know the number of people who are affected? If the statistics are in your favor you do not have to lie but you can always fudge the results, and with these you may bring new users, while on the other hand you lose a few, it is a gamble that may or may not be an example of individualism, which the bourgeoisie does not want to promote. While we do not have a binary answer of who is affected, we do have guesstimate, “Some 15 to 20 percent of humans are born shy…” With these numbers it may strike fear into the public to get them cleared, with the chance to give them the disorder, but then Michael attempts to comfort us with some statistics about elk who are hunted, “A new study out now… Looks at shy elk, specifically elk that are currently being selected for by (evolving as a result of) the recreational hunting of humans.

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