Summary Of Stop Saying Good Job ! By Alfie Kohn

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The article “Stop Saying ‘Good Job!” by Alfie Kohn talks about the negative effects of praise on children and what we need to do instead. Such as, introducing our evaluations, breaking the cycle, steering away from rewards, teaching decision-making skills, and unconditional support. I agree with the author, too much praise can deter a child from their personal creativity and cause them to focus more on the need to meet the approval and acceptance of others. When children hear us say “ I like the way you did this or do that…” instead of “Good job, you did amazing…” we help encourage them to focus on our assessment and give them something to think about. I think its better to receive an evaluation instead of a “good job” because it gives you something to work on, to know where your strengths are, and where you can improve. If you think about a soccer game where a child did not score and is met with parents who only praise that child for their effort than their child does not get to process how they can try a different way to score next time because they already know how to get the reward of praise. Children grow from this and if we only focused on praising then they wouldn’t learn to make their own decisions. …show more content…

Creating this cycle that just keeps on

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