Summary Of John Winthrop A Model Of Christian Charity

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John Winthrop’s statement about his settlement being a “city upon a hill”, in my opinion he felt like his settlement was being watched by everyone surrounding them, and that because of that they have to be a good role model for their neighbors as well. This idea shaped the Puritan community and society in ways like they must be together as one body, behave according to God’s will, and being the same regardless of the land they are. Winthrop mentions in his essay “A Model of Christian charity” how they must live in brotherly affection. He goes on to say “we must delight in each other…rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together…as members of the same body”, he wanted everyone to bond and to feel the happiness or sadness from the community as their own (26). This idea of being one body with the community is an idea that still exits until this day; …show more content…

He mentions later on in his essay how they should not “embrace this present world and prosecute [their] carnal intentions” because if done so, God might go against them (25). That is why in the text Massachusetts General Court, “Provoking evils”, the Puritan community thought that the Indian attacks were a form of punishment from God because of much sin there was among them. However, Winthrop states that if they do God’s will and follow God’s values and stay away from the corruption of the evil; they will be rewarded with peace in their desired place, which in my opinion is their home. They believed that if they did a good action then they would be rewarded with prosperity. He introduces the idea of if they do well, and they will receive well. Winthrop states that they all serve and believe in the same God; therefore everyone should behave the same and have the same

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