Summary Of Ask A Mexico By Bernardo Arellano

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Gustavo Arellano, the author of Ask a Mexican said, “Your life depends on a random stranger who could kill you, will probably disrespect you, and will most likely pay you much less than you deserve. But even those prospects are better than the ones you used to have. This is the life of los jornaleros – the day laborers.”

The pre-revolution life was generally comfortable for people, despite the bad circumstances for the workers, many grew dissatisfied and plotted to be rid of Porfirio Diaz. Population rates were normal with satisfied inhabitants. Soon, this was to change with a revolutionary civil war. Life was normal; women were at home, men were working, and children went to school, played, and did chores. Women and men felt happy doing work they had done for years while children continued a short-lived innocent life. Despite a social difference between many, even the privileged could see past Diaz’s thirst for power. The poor grew discontent with poor working conditions while the rich grew irritated with Diaz being the only power. …show more content…

During the Mexican Revolution, and a little after, hundreds of thousands fled Mexico, bloodshed, and old lives. Mexico, during the war, was very insecure due to many leaders upstaging presidents. Women served as writers, politicians, or soldiers. Women had easier lives helping the government. As a normal wife, the women had to take care of the household, help on the farm, as well as be a mother. Many jobs were lost, Mexico’s economy dropped with its population. Due to emigration and fewer workers, there was fewer workers, production, exports, and profit. The war changed the

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